The Legacy of The White Lion of Judah

Home » Along with Every Thought – or Lore – Along come “i”.

Along with Every Thought – or Lore – Along come “i”.



This is the 17th Thought/Thoughts17


06/08/2008 00:23AM


I have made a note which link Thoughts15, Thoughts16 and Thoughts17 to one another to display to me, after 6 years of questioning, who it is that is giving me my information and organizing all the synchronicities.


05/08/2008 10:37Pm and 1 + 37 = 38, the CH from my dog Charlie, Chihuahua, China (Earthquake), Chinese People (Typhoon Myanmar) and Chile (volcano) – all happened at same time my dog died on 7/5 of 2008.


“The Rose”

That morning when I felt so terrible where I saw the head of the Sphinx being resurrected (as it was seemingly on the ground), I phoned a friend and told him about these “vision/insight” I got.  But this friend is friends with the friend who phoned me 60km from Bloemfontein to ask about an aerial that has to be fetched for the White Lions of Timbavati.


But “The Rose” can be the one that rose from the ground – like that head of the Sphinx I saw being rose from the ground in my mind’s eye.  And another word for this “rose from the ground” is that it has been “rise(n)” from the ground where “o” and “i” are in the same places and that “rise” only have an extra “n”.  And “n” the 14th letter of English Alphabet .


But “o” is naught (the symbol for naught – Thoughts15) and “i” is the 9th letter of the English Alphabet and 9 the number where it all comes together (Thoughts15 and Thoughts16).


And see how Origin (0) and the point where all come together, the “whole point” or 9 or “i”, is one and the same.


So whether it “rose” from the ground by being pulled to “rise” from the ground with ropes (in my mind’s eye), it is the head of the Sphinx being resurrected – so “The Rose” is the Resurrected Head of the Sphinx.


05/08/2008 10:46PM and 1 + 46 = 47, the number associated with PI/8th Thought and Golden Paved Middle Way.  But the 4th letter is “D” and the 7th letter is “G”.  So from PI (22/7 – from 4/7), we get that the 47 and 74 combination gives DG and GD.  But as 0 is 0, we add that 0 and we get DOG and GOD.


When we look at our school years, we got the words the following way to learn how the present, past words looked like.  Like for instance with “rise”, you would have learnt:

Rise and rose; walk and walked; or see and saw, etc.  (Why do we get taught this way anyway?  As if it did not happen this way, it would not have been possible to show the following):

So in this case the FIRST position is “rise”.  But as we have that the past happened before the present, we get therefore that “rose” happened before “rise”, so it should be in the FIRST position as well.


But now “rise” and “rose” are in a FIRST position and “rose” and “rise” in the LAST position.  So “o” and “I” both in First and Last position which makes them linked to the same thing and therefore they’re equal or share equality.


So the Origin (“o”) as well as (“I”) the point where everything comes together, share equality.  So “origin” is also the point where everything comes together.  So present and past share equality as one and the same thing.


And this besides the conclusion of Who and What is the Source of my information – the 0(ne) where present and past comes together in one point – the balance point or {0;0}, as these two, the “o” and “I”, share equality.  So this 0(ne) is beyond the state of mind of the world of opposites – therefore from the NO-thingness.  So the information are all coming from the NO-thingness.


So this Thoughts17 is just another confirmation that I am dealing with a once Dying God that is linked to be “The Rose” or then, the Resurrected Head of the Sphinx.  And no information in Thoughts17 is new information – as all of it has been written down in another version in the Thoughts so far.  But Thoughts17,  just makes all the information in Thoughts17, the “whole” of it all.


And 1 + 7 = 8, and 8 is The Weaver of Fate.


This is the End of Thoughts17.

06/08/2008 00:43AM – and for some or other reason the 43 is coming up all the time lately – I will probably find the reason for that soon.  And the minutes have now changed to 44 – which is linked to the number combination of 17 or 71.

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